Benefits of Breath Work Classes

Many of the most popular wellness practices involve breathing exercises. But what distinguishes breath work classes from other types of yoga, meditation, and mindfulness is that they’re geared to the practice of conscious connected circular breathing, an ancient technique that teaches you how to control your nervous system with the power of your breath.

This type of slow, deep breath work classes breathing engages your diaphragm—the muscle that lies at the bottom of your lungs. It can help lower blood pressure and heart rate, and it’s a great tool to use in times of stress or anxiety. It can even be used to treat some conditions, like chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.

How to Become a Certified Breathwork Coach

During a breathwork session, you’ll relax and do what’s known as “conscious connected circular breathing,” which involves full, deep inhales and exhales without pauses, creating a continuous circle of breath. The result can be emotional and physical release, with practitioners believing that bringing subconscious feelings and trauma to light can promote healing.

But because of the potentially traumatic nature of some forms of breathwork, people with cardiovascular or respiratory problems or who are pregnant should exercise caution. Additionally, anyone who experiences strange sensations or illness after a breathwork session should talk to their doctor.


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